Download Anchor Wallet

Anchor Wallet is a professional-grade, multi-chain crypto management tool. Securely handle assets, interact with DeFi, mint NFTs, and leverage cross-chain opportunities. Ready to take control? Choose your platform below and get started.

Available Distributions

Choose your operating system and follow the recommended installation steps. Each distribution is thoroughly tested and maintained.


  • Run installer and follow prompts
  • Launch Anchor from the Start Menu
  • Create a new wallet or import an existing one
# Verify Windows binary:
certutil -hashfile win-anchor-wallet-1.3.12.exe SHA256


  • Open DMG and drag Anchor into Applications
  • Open from Launchpad and approve prompts
# Verify DMG:
shasum -a 256 mac-anchor-wallet-1.3.12-x64.dmg


  • For tarball: extract and run ./anchor-wallet
  • For AppImage: chmod +x and run directly
# Verify tarball:
sha256sum linux-anchor-wallet-1.3.12-x86_64.AppImage

System Requirements & Verification

Before downloading, ensure your system meets the minimum requirements. Verifying authenticity and integrity of the binaries is recommended for enhanced security.

Minimum Requirements

  • 64-bit operating system
  • 4 GB RAM or more
  • At least 500 MB free disk space
  • Stable internet connection

Authenticity Checks

Validate checksums and signatures to ensure no tampering:

# Example checksum verification
shasum -a 256 linux-anchor-wallet-1.3.12-x86_64.AppImage
# Compare output with official SHA256 file

Changelog & Release Notes

Keep track of improvements, security patches, and new features introduced in each release. Understanding changes helps you make informed decisions on updates and integrations.

Recent Updates:

  • Enhanced cross-chain swap efficiency
  • Improved NFT rarity indexing and analytics
  • New CLI commands for bulk liquidity management
  • Performance optimizations for load times and caching

Detailed release notes are included with each binary distribution. Refer to these notes for version-specific instructions or additional troubleshooting tips.

Important Notes

Always verify the cryptographic checksums and consider using GPG signatures if available. This ensures you are running an authentic, untampered build. Regularly backup your wallet keys, keep the software updated, and consult our documentation for advanced configurations.

# Example GPG verification:
gpg --verify anchor-wallet-linux.tar.gz.sig anchor-wallet-linux.tar.gz

For advanced usage, automation, and integration scenarios, explore the CLI Tools or Developer Resources sections in the documentation. Engage with the Community to share best practices and gain insights from other professionals.